6. The Dragons at the Cross-roads

In life, there are Dragons who sit atop gates, that over-look cross-roads. Beyond these sacred gates lies the “Good Life” and many travellers come, from all quarters, eagerly wanting to cross over into those blessed lands. But the Dragons never sleep and never leave their station. Desperate to gain access, but simultaneously dwarfed by the great beasts, people try various methods to cross the gates: attack, bypass, deny, repress, drug your way through - whether the Dragons are anxiety, addictions, brokenness, depression, traumas ...


But since the travellers do not face the Dragons squarely and do not know how to defeat them, their lives are weighed down and enclosed ... because the Dragons always stand guard, atop the gates, and block the way forward.

Your weapons, you will not need them.
– Yoda

Dragons are fierce and ever vigilant creatures, and they cannot be bypassed or fooled by the common approaches - attack, deny, ignore, repress. Therefore, at some point, we have to stop fooling ourselves and get real about fighting our inner battles. We must move beyond the usual weapons and tactics, and we must learn to develop some real Jedi Skills - precisely the ones for taming and slaying dragons.

And with courage and perseverance, you can learn the high art of winning inner battles, and you can move past the sacred gates and into your higher potential. But to do so, you must walk the real path:

  1. The Way is Through

  2. The Path is Philosophy

  3. The Battle is the Practice

  4. The Field is Everyday Life

There is no quick-fix, there are no short-cuts, there is no by-passing the Dragons at the cross-roads with all the common moves - as all seasoned Jedis know. You must follow the way through and the four-fold process. You must actually walk the path, and if you do, one day, you too shall become a dragon-slayer.

Stoicism and Art of Living Essays