
Counselling and guidance, between philosopher-teacher and practitioner-student, has existed since antiquity when people gathered at “schools of life” to learn and practice a particular art of living or philosophy (whether it was Stoicism, Epicureanism or Skepticism). It has also long existed, of course, in other philosophical traditions, such as Buddhism, Taoism or Zen.

The reason for this is that a philosophical path contains real depths and takes some time to learn, and to practice, well (namely with discernment and wisdom). At the same time, each aspiring practitioner has a unique set of personal circumstances, and issues, that they are seeking to transform. Therefore, the path must be approached properly and it must be “tailored” to the particular needs of each practitioner. For these reasons, counselling and guidance are a foundational component of philosophical work. It is in this sustained process that we learn the high art of transforming our difficulties and developing our higher potential.

In counselling, we will therefore focus on your particular life situation, and we will work at transforming your specific challenges, developing your potential, and more generally learning the art of living well. This work of personal transformation will rest on a modernised form of Stoicism integrated with practices from modern psychotherapy. In the counselling process, we will therefore be blending the ancient (the wisdom practice of Stoicism) and the modern (the therapeutic practice of transformation and healing), thereby integrating the best of the old with the best of the new.


We could be a good match if some of these things ring true to you:

  • You’ve been into Stoicism for some time, and you really want to go deeper with the path now, so that you can experience greater well-being in your life.

  • You look to psychology, applied philosophy or spirituality, to help you with self-improvement, practical life skills and the overall art of living.

  • You are a change-maker, an entrepreneur, an innovator, or you are one in becoming. And now you feel you could use some expert help, so that you can further develop your abilities and reach your full potential.

  • You are seeking to work with someone who has an authentic, compassionate and wise presence. At the same time, you are looking to work with someone who has significant real-world experience, both in the realms of life and work.

  • You understand that philosophical counselling, and practice, are powerful modalities that can transform your whole existence and, at this juncture in your life, you’re wanting to pursue this.

  • You’re not exactly where you wish to be in your life. You know you really need to work at changing some things, and you feel that help - from the right person - could make a big difference at this stage.

  • You’re drawn to, or have practiced, Buddhism, Taoism, or Zen, but, over the past years, you’ve found your attention drifting westward, in particular towards Stoicism. You see that there is a real overlap between the applied philosophies of the East and practical Stoicism, but you find that the eastern traditions are not quite the right fit for you. The Stoic path feels like a down-to-earth and practical approach to the art of living, and it really calls to you at this point.

  • You might be a native French or Italian speaker, who would really value working in your mother tongue, and with someone who has a profound understanding of your culture and nation, whether you are living in Europe or North America.

  • You are looking for a philosopher and counsellor who is down-to-earth, compassionate, who has a real sense of humour and who carries his hard-won wisdom lightly.

“From Rusticus I formed the concept that my character needed improvement and therapy …”

– Marcus Aurelius (speaking of Junius Rusticus, his Mentor & stoic philosopher)