Leadership Advising

Leaders have found inspiration in Stoicism since the time of the Roman Republic and, in recent years, many prominent people in business, government, and the arts, have once again taken on this practical path, all the more so given its special focus on personal excellence. Stoics have had a long and distinguished history of serving as strategic advisors to powerful people, and with good reason. Indeed, success can bring to the fore a host of new and complex problems, in addition to the existing challenges of the leadership role itself.

This is why intelligent leaders have always surrounded themselves with auxiliary wits, in the form of strategic advisors, or grey eminences, who will help them to properly navigate the challenges of leadership and success. It is in this spirit that we advise leaders and help them to develop their full potential.

Our approach is integrative, in that it encompasses both the inner and outer dimensions necessary for leadership excellence. Stoicism can help leaders greatly develop the attributes of leadership excellence, such as self-command, mental acuity, resilience, wisdom. In our leadership advising, we look to the client’s specific needs and help them in the following areas:

  • Personal excellence: expanding self-observation and self-knowledge; growing our self-command; developing emotional intelligence; managing anxiety and stress; cultivating the qualities of personal excellence (or the Virtues); developing superior habits; time management; adapting to change and role transitions; finding meaning in our work.

  • Interpersonal excellence: dealing effectively with people; communication skills; emotional intelligence; diplomacy; conflict resolution; public speaking; team building; expanding our leadership skills.

  • Organizational intelligence: navigating organizational culture & politics; cultivating our “big-picture” intelligence; expanding our spheres of influence; developing strategic foresight; cultivating our understanding of economic, societal and global trends.

We work with leaders in business, government and NGO’s, and we also advise writers, thought leaders and public figures. We meet leaders where they are at, with their aspirations and challenges, and we help them to greatly expand their leadership skills and potential.


We could be a good match if some of these things ring true to you:

  • You are a leader - whether in business, non-profit or public service – and you are seeking to become more effective in your professional role, and more fulfilled in your life.

  • You are a change-maker, an entrepreneur, an innovator, or you are one in becoming. And now you feel you could use some expert help, so that you can further develop your abilities and reach your full potential.

  • You appreciate or practice Stoicism, and you see that Stoic disciplines and principles can be of great help in developing your leadership potential.

  • You are seeking to work with someone who has an authentic, compassionate and wise presence. At the same time, you are looking to work with someone who has significant real-world experience, both in the realms of life and work.

  • You look to psychology, applied philosophy or spirituality, to help you with self-improvement, practical life skills and the art of leadership.

  • You’re not exactly where you wish to be in your career and/or life. You know you really need to work at changing some things, and you feel that help - from the right person - could make a big difference at this stage.

  • You are an engaged citizen and leader, and you care deeply about the social good, about leaving the world a better place, and about future generations - all of which aligns with your leadership values and, of course, with Stoic values.

  • You might be a native French or Italian speaker, who would really value working in your mother tongue, and with someone who has a profound understanding of your culture and nation, whether you are living in Europe or North America.

Leadership is an art, a performing art. And in the art of leadership, the artist’s instrument is the self. The mastery of the art of leadership comes with the mastery of the self. Ultimately, leadership development is the process of self-development.”

– James Kouzes